
ACT - Get into action with our community

We shine the spotlight on your idea

With Clima Now Spotlight, we mobilize people at a grassroots level to actively participate in thinking about climate solutions and support them in translating their climate ideas into action.

Once a year, we call for ideas on a specific topic and give project initiators visibility and mobilize the society for the climate. We want to create Climate Leaders.

Spotlight 2024

How can we make tourism in the Alps future-proof?

In 2024, we wanted to revolutionize a sector that is central to the economy in the Alpine region: tourism.

How can we design a resilient economy for a net-zero future for the Alps, with tourism and mountain sports at the forefront of this change? What energy-efficient solutions are needed to drive this change?

About the winners, partners and all ideas:

Spotlight 2024
Spotlight 2023

How do you reduce Switzerland's FOODprint?

Food production is responsible for one-quarter of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. Those emissions happen along the whole food chain and each step can be improved by innovative solutions. What can we do against that?

With Clima Now Spotlight 2023 we set the focus on our FOODprint and we called for ideas to reduce it.

About the winners and all ideas:

Spotlight 2023
Spotlight 2022

Rethinking the Impact of Art - Clima ARTivists Wanted!

We were looking for artists who rethink the impact of art, use it to develop solutions against climate change and actively involve people from the population in the art project.

More about the art projects that were realized in the following year:

Spotlight 2022
Spotlight 2021

How can we activate 100'000 people for the climate?

In the summer of 2021, we launched the first Clima Now Spotlight call. The goal was to find ideas that would motivate as many people as possible to take climate-positive action. The projects were to answer the question, "How we activate 100,000 people for the climate?"

Over 150 ideas were submitted, 30 were selected by the expert jury and seven were voted into the final by the community. On December 9, 2021, the finalists presented their ideas live on stage at the Spotlight Pitch Night at KOSMOS Zurich.

Spotlight 2021
Spotlight 2024

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