Spotlight 2022


Teamphoto of «PET// MONSTER»

The PET // MONSTER project takes waxworms as a starting point for a research leading to a fictional scenario about solving major issues of our planet. There is always a balance between hope and threat that we are particularly interested in, so our future scenario plays with the idea of a massive whale/ wormlike creature. Furthermore we will be collecting the hopes and fears that it would evoke. Given the case there were worms that could digest waste polyester clothing, it inspires a narrative future scenario within which a new species evolves. 


Closer Description 

This project is combining research and a collection of hopes and fears concerning fictional creatures being able to digest polyester/ microplastic, evolving into a huge monstrous (yin yang) creature, given an endless supply of microfibers lets them expand into whale-like dimensions.

 This scenario is the setting for a theme-scape around the issue of possible ways out of the microfibre pollution, and an opener for reflection on our daily habits and the seriousness of the state of microfibre pollution.

Through imagination we raise awareness of the devastating state of our planet and thus we will drive direct impact on the climate, as every action and change in behaviour counts. Furthermore we will be doing some hands-on research and there is actually a chance that our bioreactor works, our gene-editing Workshop will result in some findings and most of all, that public awareness will rise. 

Apparently somehow the biggest creatures on the planet feed/fed on tiny particles... starting from dinosaurs on purely vegan diet to whales that feed on plankton and crill. 


Technical Details 

We are cordially connected to DIY science and part of the Global Hackteria Society. Wherever possible we will include DIY Methods and easy to approach technics.

The recorded thoughts, fears and hopes will be part of the installation, as well as water gurgling and the chewing sounds of the worms nibbling on the polyester and of the next generation moth breeding (we will use piezos to transfer) and create a soundscape and also take recordings.

Part of the project itself functions as a documentation of the state of science and art projects concerning the discourse.

There will definitely be a project website providing the information and links and the collection of hopes and fears.

There is some new scientific approaches and findings we’d like to deepen the research on, e.g. there are bacteria found by zhaw scientists, that use enzymes to break down polyester into its elements, some mycelium is able to digest plastic, some Japanese students found bacteria in the sea that dissolve microfibres... 

The project will be installed within the art context as a exhibition of its own or as part of a groupshow.

It is very likely to happen at Kunstraum Walcheturm for 10 Days.

Ideally we could have a process of two weeks to work on site on the installation and preparation in a work in progress theatre or gallery situation.



Our aim is to simultaneously learn about possible solutions and to raise awareness about the critical state of our earth, about the human use of plastic materials and the waste & fashion waste problematic.

We also want to give an overview on the state of science, and we aim to encourage researchers and supporting institutions to fuel collaboration between scientists and artist to create innovation and to find THE ENZYM to digest microplastics. And finally, we want to do some hands-on research and inspire the public to take action and drive change. 


Persons involved:

Kat Austen, she has been a scientist, an artist, a journalist and a writer. She welcomes a humane and environmentally kind future.

Ana J. Haugwitz, she is ab art educator and visual artist, particularly interested in in snails and worms, using sculpture, food and performance as media

Corinna Mattner, she is a conceptual maker, artist and designer, who has worked for theatre and fashion, specially focussing on raising awareness for less consumption and ecological emergency.

First image of «PET// MONSTER»
Titelbild waxworm
Second image of «PET// MONSTER»
Microscopie von Organismen
Third image of «PET// MONSTER»
Elemente der Ausstellung
Mission Model Canvas