Energy Transition Investments Food & Agriculture System Transition


Reduce the annual energy consumption of greenhouses by 20% with transparent low-emissivity screen technology

What Infrascreen does

The Swiss start-up Infrascreen offers an innovative and easy-to-implement solution to increase energy efficiency and profitability in agriculture. The development of innovative materials in greenhouses requires the combination of patented nanotechnology with state-of-the-art material science. The result is a transparent E-Screen technology that is applied as a film to existing greenhouses and enables a direct and significant reduction in energy consumption without compromising the natural light for plant growth.

Why Clima Now invests in Infrascreen

Infrascreen's ground-breaking innovation directly reduces the significant energy consumption of greenhouses, which often still have to rely on fossil fuels. By simply installing the patented technology in existing greenhouses, 20% of energy can be saved immediately and Infrascreen is thus making an important contribution to energy efficiency for the decarbonisation of agriculture.

To Infrascreen's website
Founding team: Henri de Lalande, CEO (left side) & Benoit de Combaud, CTO (right side)