The Hoflabor - Closed
Regenerative agriculture needs a new mindset for continuous learning and experimentation. The HofLabor innovation center was founded for this purpose.
The HofLabor is the research, development and testing department of SlowGrow, a cultivation system dedicated to the sustainable, regenerative use of soil in agriculture.
SlowGrow cultivates vegetables, arable crops and various specialty crops on a total of more than 15 hectares. With the FarmLab, SlowGrow is setting up an innovation center to promote the cultivation of a spirit of research and innovation on farms. It is intended to encourage a new generation and spread clever cultivation methods. The contradiction between yield and nature conservation in agriculture is to be resolved and ecosystems in the cultivated land restored. To this end, they are working and experimenting in three areas:
The HofLabor was launched in 2021 by Slowgrow and works with various pioneering farms.